Shine some light-on new, non medication, treatment for addiction

There are many areas in which I have done some research on addiction. I am currently in school to get my degree as a biomedical scientist to be able to further my education in addiction, as well as finding cures for diseases such as addiction. I recently read an article on how Neuroscientist have began a study that has lead to the discovery of using a protein rhodopsin to opioid receptor parts to be able to activate the receptor pathways using light from a laser fiber-optic device. This study has also been used on mice rather than drugs to stimulate the reward response. When scientist shined a light on the receptors that contain this protein, it caused the body’s receptors to release dopamine which cause the feeling of euphoria. This is the kind of research we should be investing time in, because no matter how many medications we come up with to cure disease, addiction, cancer and many other issues relating to pain, we still have the underlining topic of addiction to prescribed and non prescribed medication. There are many more areas to be researched to find these non medication cures, but we must be vigilant in our search for these. I think educating people more is the first step in helping those seeking treatment for pain, physical or emotional.

The idea of pain medication is not to completely eliminate the pain. The reason for pain medication is to “relieve” some, but not all, of the pain. There are many people with this misconception. To others, this could be an important fact to educate them on the reality of what the doctors can actually do. Although these goals are pretty common to a doctor, the person receiving treatment may not be as educated in this.area assuming the pain should have been completely eliminated.  I cant count how many times I have had a patient requesting more pain meds because they can still feel pain, but are hardly coherent enough to request meds.

While we wait for these new non medication cures, lets be active in protecting our loved ones from falling into this pattern of over medicating. Lets do our part in helping, such as find other alternatives to pills, and in finding other ways to cope with depression and pain.

To read up more on this new discovery check out the website


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